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A Slice of Zig, Part 2

Published 2024-04-10

In A Slice of Zig, Part 1, we started on a tour of Zig, examining the language by looking at the implementation of ArrayList in the standard library — a “vertical slice”, if you will. We covered how initialization and deinitialization of the ArrayList is implemented, but didn’t go into how the actual list operations work. This article continues where the previous one left off, examining how the ArrayList is actually used and how that usage is implemented behind the scenes.

As in the previous article, the aim here is not to explain every part of the Zig language encountered or to teach you Zig from the bottom up; rather, it’s to provide an overview of Zig, pointing out some of its unique features and showing some examples of how the language constructs come together in real-world code.

This article assumes you’ve read the first part.

The Zig version I used to run these examples is 0.12.0-dev.2631+3069669bc and the ArrayList code they’re based on can be found here.

I’ve done some minimal changes to the code in this article to make it easier to read and to remove things that are irrelevant for the use cases discussed.

Using ArrayList

Here’s a test (put together from a few different tests in the array_list.zig file) exercising the two ArrayList operations we’ll examine in this article:

test "basic functionality" {
    var list = ArrayList(i32).init(testing.allocator);
    defer list.deinit();

    for (0..10) |i| {
        list.append(@as(i32, @intCast(i + 1))) catch unreachable;

    for (0..10) |i| {
        try testing.expect(list.items[i] == @as(i32, @intCast(i + 1)));

    try list.insert(0, 4);
    try list.insert(1, 3);
    try list.insert(0, 5);
    try testing.expect(list.items[0] == 5);
    try testing.expect(list.items[1] == 4);
    try testing.expect(list.items[2] == 3);

We covered the ArrayList initialization and deinitialization in the first article. Now, we get to start using the list! After setting up the list, the test appends elements to it in a for loop. Let’s take a closer look:

for (0..10) |i| {
    list.append(@as(i32, @intCast(i + 1))) catch unreachable;

At first glance, we loop over a range of numbers, appending each number plus one to the list. There are some interesting things going on here: for loops in Zig iterate over arrays and slices, though you can also use the range syntax to iterate over consecutive integers, as we do he here. The current element in the range (which goes from 0 up to but not including 10) is captured as i inside the block.

What about the @as(i32, @intCast(i + 1)) part? This is about casting the index captured by the for loop, which is of type usize, to the i32 type. The built-in function @as will convert to a given type provided it is safe to do so. We know that i will only have values from 0 to 9 and so casting i + 1 to i32 is always going to work. The compiler, however, sees us casting an unsigned 64-bit integer to a signed 32-bit integer and suspects trouble. Therefore, we must add the call to @intCast, which does not ensure the conversion is safe to do. @intCast determines the type to cast to — here, i32 — through type inference. In fact, leaving out the outer call to @as seems to work just as well, as the type of the @intCast(i + 1) expression is determined by the call to ArrayList(i32).append.

The final piece of the puzzle is catch unreachable at the end of the line. This brings us to error handling in Zig. Again, we won’t cover this topic in great detail, but the basics will suffice to explain the code we encounter in this article. The return type of the ArrayList append method is Allocator.Error!void. This is an error union type — a type that holds either an error (here: Allocator.Error) or a value (here, of type void — nothing). In short, the method returns an error or nothing. We can’t just ignore the potential error, as Zig makes sure errors are always handled. This can be done in a variety of ways: we can check if the method returned an error and take appropriate action, we can pass the error up the chain, and so on. The catch operator lets us specify an alternative value to use in case the expression before catch evaluates to an error. However, here, we’re really not expecting an error to occur, so we provide unreachable as the alternative value. This is a value that will cause a runtime panic or undefined behaviour depending on the build mode of the application if execution ever reaches it. catch unreachable is a common pattern; a way of saying “we don’t expect errors to occur here in the circumstances we care about” (and that if they do, the program should crash).

Moving on to the next part of the test:

for (0..10) |i| {
    try testing.expect(list.items[i] == @as(i32, @intCast(i + 1)));

We’ve appended ten elements to the list, now we check that they’re there. The loop and the integer cast are as before; two elements of this code snippet stand out though. First, we access list element number i by list.items[i]. As we saw in the previous article, list.items is a slice pointing at the actual elements of the list. There’s no special method for indexing into the list; instead, we access the items slice directly.

Second, there’s the try testing.expect( ... ) part, where try is related to error handling. The return type of testing.expect is !void. This is an error union type as well: one that holds either void or an error from an inferred set of errors: Zig can usually figure out which errors a function can return, and so inferred error sets are often used. I mentioned above that there are several different ways to handle an error and this is one of them: try will return the error from the current function, or unwrap the value if it isn’t an error.

As you can probably guess, testing.expect simply checks that the expression passed to it is true, otherwise it returns an error. This error will be returned by try, signalling a failed test.

try list.insert(0, 4);
try list.insert(1, 3);
try list.insert(0, 5);
try testing.expect(list.items[0] == 5);
try testing.expect(list.items[1] == 4);
try testing.expect(list.items[2] == 3);

These last parts of the test are straight-forward: insert inserts an element at a specific position in the list: the first argument is the index at which to insert it and the second is the element itself. We insert some elements into the list and check that they are where they are supposed to be.

As we’ve seen, the test uses two operations of the ArrayList: append and insert. In the previous article, we saw how the ArrayList is initialized and deinitialized, but left out what happens in between. We also noted that the list initially had capacity 0, which means we’ll have to allocate memory as soon as we add the first element to the list. As we take a look at how append and insert are implemented, we’ll learn how that works!


Appending to the list is the more simple operation. Intuitively, if the list already has enough memory allocated, we can just drop the new element after the previous ones in memory (along with some housekeeping to track the length of the list). If the list is already using all its memory, we have to allocate more. Here’s the definition of append:

/// Extends the list by 1 element. Allocates more memory as necessary.
/// Invalidates element pointers if additional memory is needed.
pub fn append(self: *Self, item: T) Allocator.Error!void {
    const new_item_ptr = try self.addOne();
    new_item_ptr.* = item;

The comment notes that this method “invalidates element pointers if additional memory is needed”. Remember that the list holds it elements in the memory pointed to by items. We can, of course, have a pointer to one of these elements. However, if we append an element to the list and end up having to allocate more memory, we might have to copy all our elements somewhere else in memory and free the old memory. The old element pointer is now invalid. You’ll see many such comments in the Zig standard library noting which methods have the potential of invalidating pointers.

In the previous article, I mentioned that calling something like list.operation() is the same as calling (for example) ArrayList(i32).operation(list). However, here we see append taking a pointer as the self parameter, even though we called list.append normally in the test. Zig will handle this automatically, providing the method with a value or a pointer as needed. The reason for using a pointer is that append needs to modify self, and all parameters are immutable in Zig. As we saw when calling it from the test, the method returns Allocator.Error!void — an error union type holding either Allocator.Error or nothing. The test handled this error using catch unreachable. When we initialized the ArrayList, we passed in an allocator for it to use for memory allocation. The potential error returned from append comes from this allocator.

The append method itself is short. It calls self.addOne, which makes place in the list for one additional element, without setting that element to anything. It also returns a pointer to the new element. On the next line, that pointer is used: .* is the pointer dereference operator in Zig so new_item_ptr.* = item sets the data pointed to by new_item_ptr to the element we want to add to the list. Again, you see try used when calling addOne — as mentioned, this means that if the method returns an error, we return it from the current method, passing it up the chain.

The append method needs to make sure there’s enough memory in the list for an additional element, allocating more memory if needed. It also needs to update the length of the list, to make the list “aware” it’s now holding an extra element. This is handled by the addOne method.

The addOne method

/// Increase length by 1, returning pointer to the new item.
/// The returned pointer becomes invalid when the list resized.
pub fn addOne(self: *Self) Allocator.Error!*T {
    // This can never overflow because `self.items` can never occupy the whole address space
    const newlen = self.items.len + 1;
    try self.ensureTotalCapacity(newlen);
    return self.addOneAssumeCapacity();

As with append, there’s a comment noting when the returned pointer becomes invalid. The addOne method returns Allocator.Error!*T — an allocator error or a pointer to T. As you might recall, T is the type of the elements in our list. In the method, we calculate the new length of the list by adding one to the length of self.items, which is the slice holding the list elements. My understanding of the comment about how the addition can never overflow is this: the type of self.items.len is usize, a type which needs to be able to address all memory. For the addition to overflow, usize would have to have its maximum value already, which means self.items would have to occupy at least all memory available. However, this can’t be the case, as a having an ArrayList means there are other things in memory as well.

Again, addOne is a short method. It uses a couple of other methods to handle most of its task. The method ensureTotalCapacity is used to make sure the list has capacity for the new number of elements (the previous number of elements plus one), while addOneAssumeCapacity then increases the length of the list and returns a pointer to the new element.

The ensureTotalCapacity method

/// If the current capacity is less than `new_capacity`, this function will
/// modify the array so that it can hold at least `new_capacity` items.
/// Invalidates element pointers if additional memory is needed.
pub fn ensureTotalCapacity(self: *Self, new_capacity: usize) Allocator.Error!void {
    if (@sizeOf(T) == 0) {
        self.capacity = math.maxInt(usize);

    if (self.capacity >= new_capacity) return;

    const better_capacity = growCapacity(self.capacity, new_capacity);
    return self.ensureTotalCapacityPrecise(better_capacity);

This method makes sure that the list has at least the specified capacity. It starts with a check of a type we’ve seen before: if the size of T is 0, the list can store as many items as an usize can count, without any memory needed for the items. We then check if the list capacity is already large enough, in which case we don’t need to do anything here. If the capacity needs to be increased, growCapacity is called to get a suitable new capacity for the list, at least as large as the new capacity needed. This method just does a small calculation to grow memory in an efficient way and returns the exact new capacity to aim for. Then, ensureTotalCapacityPrecise is called with that capacity to actually grow the list capacity.

The ensureTotalCapacityPrecise method

/// If the current capacity is less than `new_capacity`, this function will
/// modify the array so that it can hold exactly `new_capacity` items.
/// Invalidates element pointers if additional memory is needed.
pub fn ensureTotalCapacityPrecise(self: *Self, new_capacity: usize) Allocator.Error!void {
    if (@sizeOf(T) == 0) {
        self.capacity = math.maxInt(usize);

    if (self.capacity >= new_capacity) return;

    // Here we avoid copying allocated but unused bytes by
    // attempting a resize in place, and falling back to allocating
    // a new buffer and doing our own copy. With a realloc() call,
    // the allocator implementation would pointlessly copy our
    // extra capacity.
    const old_memory = self.allocatedSlice();
    if (self.allocator.resize(old_memory, new_capacity)) {
        self.capacity = new_capacity;
    } else {
        const new_memory = try self.allocator.alignedAlloc(T, null, new_capacity);
        @memcpy(new_memory[0..self.items.len], self.items);
        self.items.ptr = new_memory.ptr;
        self.capacity = new_memory.len;

Finally, we do some actual memory allocation! You’ll see the same check for a zero-sized T and for a capacity that’s already large enough as in ensureTotalCapacity. Then, the strategy is to try to increase memory in place and, if that fails, to allocate new memory and copy the old items there. This could be done by calling the realloc method of the allocator but, as the comment points out, there could be a situation where the list has capacity for more elements than it’s currently holding. Calling realloc would result in all the old memory being copied over if new memory is allocated somewhere else, which is unnecessary — we just need to copy the memory actually used for list elements. Therefore, this logic is handled “manually” in the function. (This situation won’t apply for the append method we’re looking at here: if the capacity is larger than the number of items, there’s already place for our additional item, and no allocation is needed… however, the ensureTotalCapacityPrecise method is used in many other situations as well.)

The old_memory constant is set to the result of calling self.allocatedSlice(). We saw this method in the last article — it just returns a slice to all memory allocated for the list. We then try to do a resize in place. If this works, there’s no copying of elements needed, but if it doesn’t, we move on the the else clause. Here, we allocate new memory using the allocator. We use the built-in @memcpy function to copy the old data to the new location, but only the actual list elements, not the whole capacity! We free the old memory (here’s where pointers to existing items become invalid), point self.items at the new memory (by manipulating its ptr field directly — the length stays the same) and finally update the capacity of the list. We now return through ensureTotalCapacity to addOne, where, after the capacity of the list has been ensured to be sufficient, we call addOneAssumeCapacity to add one (undefined) element to the list.

The addOneAssumeCapacity method

/// Increase length by 1, returning pointer to the new item.
/// The returned pointer becomes invalid when the list is resized.
/// Never invalidates element pointers.
/// Asserts that the list can hold one additional item.
pub fn addOneAssumeCapacity(self: *Self) *T {
    assert(self.items.len < self.capacity);
    self.items.len += 1;
    return &self.items[self.items.len - 1];

In addOneAssumeCapacity, we first assert that the assumption holds: that the list indeed has capacity for one more item. (If you’re interested in the reasoning behind adding assertions to your code, go watch this incredible presentation of the TigerBeetle financial transactions database written in Zig: in short, as you write code, you have some implicit assumptions in your head about what is going on. Assertions can serve to make these assumptions explicit, communicating them to others reading the code, and, of course, making any violations obvious, as the application will crash.) Then we manipulate the len field of self.items directly, as we know the memory is available for it to hold at least one more item. We return the address of this extra item (still not set to anything) to addOne, which returns it to append which, as we’ve seen, uses this address to actually write the element being appended to that memory location. With that, we’ve followed the functionality of append all the way through the ArrayList code!


Let’s look at the code using insert from our earlier test:

try list.insert(0, 4);
try list.insert(1, 3);
try list.insert(0, 5);
try testing.expect(list.items[0] == 5);
try testing.expect(list.items[1] == 4);
try testing.expect(list.items[2] == 3);

As mentioned, insert takes an index and an element and inserts the element at the specificed index in the list, moving any following elements of the list further back. You can imagine how this works in a similar way to append, in that we have to make space in the list for one more element than it currently holds, get a pointer to that element and set it. However, here we have the added complication of having to move any elements following the inserted one to make space for it. Let’s look at the definition of insert:

/// Insert `item` at index `i`. Moves `list[i .. list.len]` to higher indices to make room.
/// If `i` is equal to the length of the list this operation is equivalent to append.
/// This operation is O(N).
/// Invalidates element pointers if additional memory is needed.
/// Asserts that the index is in bounds or equal to the length.
pub fn insert(self: *Self, i: usize, item: T) Allocator.Error!void {
    const dst = try self.addManyAt(i, 1);
    dst[0] = item;

The comment provides some useful info: again, calling this method can invalidate element pointers, and there will be an assertion that the index at which we’re trying to insert is in bounds for the list. In append, we first called addOne to make space for the new element, then used the returned pointer to actually set it. We’re doing something similar here, first calling addManyAt to make space for our new element, then using the returned slice to set it (one could imagine a method addOneAt, returning a pointer rather than a slice, but that’s not how ArrayList was implemented). Let’s take a look at addManyAt!

The addManyAt method

/// Add `count` new elements at position `index`, which have
/// `undefined` values. Returns a slice pointing to the newly allocated
/// elements, which becomes invalid after various `ArrayList`
/// operations.
/// Invalidates pre-existing pointers to elements at and after `index`.
/// Invalidates all pre-existing element pointers if capacity must be
/// increased to accomodate the new elements.
/// Asserts that the index is in bounds or equal to the length.
pub fn addManyAt(self: *Self, index: usize, count: usize) Allocator.Error![]T {
    const new_len = try addOrOom(self.items.len, count);

    if (self.capacity >= new_len)
        return addManyAtAssumeCapacity(self, index, count);

    // Here we avoid copying allocated but unused bytes by
    // attempting a resize in place, and falling back to allocating
    // a new buffer and doing our own copy. With a realloc() call,
    // the allocator implementation would pointlessly copy our
    // extra capacity.
    const new_capacity = growCapacity(self.capacity, new_len);
    const old_memory = self.allocatedSlice();
    if (self.allocator.resize(old_memory, new_capacity)) {
        self.capacity = new_capacity;
        return addManyAtAssumeCapacity(self, index, count);

    // Make a new allocation, avoiding `ensureTotalCapacity` in order
    // to avoid extra memory copies.
    const new_memory = try self.allocator.alignedAlloc(T, null, new_capacity);
    const to_move = self.items[index..];
    @memcpy(new_memory[0..index], self.items[0..index]);
    @memcpy(new_memory[index + count ..][0..to_move.len], to_move);
    self.items = new_memory[0..new_len];
    self.capacity = new_memory.len;
    // The inserted elements at `new_memory[index..][0..count]` have
    // already been set to `undefined` by memory allocation.
    return new_memory[index..][0..count];

As the comment above the method notes, addManyAt will inevitably invalidate pointers to elements following the inserted one, as those elements will always have to be moved. However, it might be the case that we have to allocate new memory somewhere else and copy all items there; in that case, all element pointers will be invalidated.

The task of addManyAt is to make space for a number of new elements (in our case just one) somewhere in the list, move the elements after it back, and return a slice to the place in the list where the new elements can be written. Where addOne called out to ensureTotalCapacity (which in turn called ensureTotalCapacityPrecise) to do the actual allocation, here, the allocation is done directly in the method. As we’ll see shortly, this helps us avoid unnecessary copying of memory.

We start by calling addOrOom to get the new length of the list. This is a small method which adds two numbers of type usize and return an OutOfMemory error if the addition overflows: if usize overflows, that definitely means we’re out of memory! After this, there are three main scenarios: the list already has capacity for the new elements, it doesn’t have capacity but the allocated memory can be increased in place, or we have to allocate new memory somewhere else.

if (self.capacity >= new_len)
    return addManyAtAssumeCapacity(self, index, count);

If the list already has capacity for the new items, we return the result of calling addManyAtAssumeCapacity, which we’ll soon examine closer. Otherwise, we try to resize the memory in place: much like we saw in ensureTotalCapacityPrecise when looking at the append method, this and the scenario where we have to allocate new memory could be handled by a call to realloc, but this would cause all the old allocated memory to be copied over if we have to allocate new memory, not just the memory used by the list items. There’s also another consideration which we’ll cover in a little bit.

const new_capacity = growCapacity(self.capacity, new_len);
const old_memory = self.allocatedSlice();
if (self.allocator.resize(old_memory, new_capacity)) {
    self.capacity = new_capacity;
    return addManyAtAssumeCapacity(self, index, count);

Growing the memory in place works much like we’ve seen before, after which we again call addManyAtAssumeCapacity to make space for the new elements in the list. If the memory can’t be grown in place, however, we have to allocate new memory somewhere else. Here, we see another reason to avoid realloc (and ensureTotalCapacity): after allocating new memory somewhere else and copying the old list elements there, we’d still have to move the elements after the insertion to make place for the new elements. If we do the allocation directly in this method, we can move the elements back at the same time as we’re copying them to the newly allocated memory, avoiding extra copying.

// Make a new allocation, avoiding `ensureTotalCapacity` in order
// to avoid extra memory copies.
const new_memory = try self.allocator.alignedAlloc(T, null, new_capacity);
const to_move = self.items[index..];
@memcpy(new_memory[0..index], self.items[0..index]);
@memcpy(new_memory[index + count ..][0..to_move.len], to_move);
self.items = new_memory[0..new_len];
self.capacity = new_memory.len;
// The inserted elements at `new_memory[index..][0..count]` have
// already been set to `undefined` by memory allocation.
return new_memory[index..][0..count];

In short, then, after allocating the new memory, we first get a slice of all the elements after the index at which we’ll make space for new elements. We copy the list elements up to that index directly to the newly allocated memory. Then, we copy the elements after that index, offsetting them towards the end of the list to make space in the middle for the new elements. We free the old memory and point self.items at the new memory. Finally, we update the list capacity to reflect the allocated memory, and return a slice pointing at the space in the middle of the list where the new elements can be written. This slice is returned to insert, which uses it to write the inserted element.

The addManyAtAssumeCapacity method

In the case where we already have enough capacity in the list for the new elements, or where the memory can be grown in place, we call addManyAtAssumeCapacity to make space for the new elements:

/// Add `count` new elements at position `index`, which have
/// `undefined` values. Returns a slice pointing to the newly allocated
/// elements, which becomes invalid after various `ArrayList`
/// operations.
/// Asserts that there is enough capacity for the new elements.
/// Invalidates pre-existing pointers to elements at and after `index`, but
/// does not invalidate any before that.
/// Asserts that the index is in bounds or equal to the length.
pub fn addManyAtAssumeCapacity(self: *Self, index: usize, count: usize) []T {
    const new_len = self.items.len + count;
    assert(self.capacity >= new_len);
    const to_move = self.items[index..];
    self.items.len = new_len;
    mem.copyBackwards(T, self.items[index + count ..], to_move);
    const result = self.items[index..][0..count];
    @memset(result, undefined);
    return result;

By now, this is quite familiar stuff: after asserting that we do indeed have the capacity for the added elements, this method assigns the elements that need to be moved back to a slice. It updates the length of self.items to take into account the new elements we’re adding, copies the elements that need moving into the correct position, and gets a slice to the space for the new elements. There’s a call to the @memset built-in function to set the new elements to undefined, before returning them to addManyAt, which returns the slice to insert, which uses the slice to set the inserted element.

Why are we using mem.copyBackwards here instead of @memcpy? With @memcpy, the source and destination ranges for the copy are not allowed to overlap. In our case, the ranges can overlap: if we insert one element, with five elements following it in the list, the source and destination ranges will overlap by four elements. The mem.copyBackwards function starts copying from the end of the range which avoids overwriting later elements in the source range; if we wanted to move a range of elements towards the head of the list, we could use mem.copyForwards instead.


In this article, we’ve looked at how appending and inserting elements works in the Zig ArrayList. While we’ve covered a lot of ground, there are common list operations we haven’t examined at all, like removing elements from the list. Still, if you have a handle on the concepts covered so far, you’re quite capable of looking at the source code for those operations and figuring out how they work!


At the end of the last article, I suggested implementing your own simple list as a way to acquire a better understanding of these concepts. The exercise described a generic list backed by a fixed-size array, with methods for appending and for retrieving the item at a specific index. After having seen how the ArrayList manages memory, we can extend our requirements and make our list size dynamic:

Again, here’s a simple implementation of the exercise:

That’s all for the moment, hope you enjoyed the article! Thanks for reading!